Open Journal

My Current To Do List, Explained

Every morning, I work through this exact list. The bold is my explanation of the item.

  • -organize I have an evernote that I keep my weekly tasks divided up by day. I check to make sure I don’t have anything pressing that day.
  • -Look at your planner! The wine one! I have a wine planner to keep track of where I am in my studies.
  • -Look at your Smart Goals I have 8 SMART (Specific, Measurable, Action-Oriented, Realistic, Time Constrained) goals I’m working on.
  • -homework  I keep a daily gratitude log, and a short sentence about what the day before was like. I jokingly call it my homework.
  • -cat/dog I have to feed them or they get very upset.
  • -pataday I have eye problems, and the daily drops help deal with that.
  • -pills I take some vitamins and anti-histamines daily.
  • -breakfast I eat a can of sardines right when I wake up, then some eggs with my wife when she does.
  • -clean up Dishes, Laundry? All that.
  • -Make bed Even on my todo, I fail at this too often.
  • -50 pages of Programming/Math/Econ 2 times a week (T/R unless I choose different) Sometimes I switch it to Wine related.
  • -Stretch I fail at this too often.
  • -Exercise I made a deal with myself: I said I’d work out every day for 9 months, and if I didn’t like it, I’d never do it again. That actually helped me get started. I do something every day. Sometimes it’s weights, sometimes it’s just walking, but I do something intentional daily. You do what you can with what you have.
  • -read for your soul Gotta do something for the soul.
  • -Report for Stickk. Sweets I love sweets. I will eat them in secret, and that’s no good. is a great website to keep yourself dedicated to things you want to be.
  • -double check house (kitchen table clean) Important for the wife, thus for me.
  • -Think of reaching out to a friend/sibling/parent? Yep
  • Is there something I could write?
  • -Free form journal for a bit Even if it is just one page, try.
  • -Visualize. Your main projects (4) Your day, your challenging and exciting moments. Self explanatory.
  • -5 min spanish/5 min russian Practice, slow, spaced practice, makes perfect!
  • -Wine: A bottle, a region, a producer. Big buckets! If you don’t try, you’ll never do anything.
  • -write one shitty page start october 31st My writing goal.
  • -Draw 2 shitty maps, work on a big one, my goal is 1 good one a week. (try to draw from memory. Correct afterwards) Again, set the bar low, get the action started first!
  • -Meditate! Every day I do, even if it is only for a few minutes.
  • -Don’t forget to set up your morning the night before! I fail at this a decent amount, the day takes over, but I’m getting better!
  • -Anki. Now, read this every morning: Your goal is to use Anki  in the “learning to learn, making it stick” guide. It should feel unpleasant. Pull it out of yourself. Mindless scrolling is less than zero productive. That’s how I win while doing what I have to do. My current daily reminder.

It seems like a lot. But it has become a system for me. I don’t really think about it any more. I add things when I want, and take them away when I don’t want to do them any more or they aren’t serving me any more.

I am not harsh on myself either. If something doesn’t work out, I don’t beat myself up for not being able to do it. I just move on and try something else.







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