Tag: wine
Blind Tasting with Buddha
“The actual ability to articulate the flavors that you are smelling, and to pull them apart into vocabulary is ITSELF a skill.”
My First Thoughts on the Basic Set
“We can call those aromas memories up at will, and most people likely have a visual component to the memories. That makes sense: we are all largely visual beings. ”
Understanding Structure
“Each of these, by themselves, are not difficult to understand or esoteric concepts. Pull all 5 together and you have what people refer to as ‘structure.’”
Wine (in 2 parts) Part 2: What Choices do You Make?
“If a winemaker isn’t talking about the points above, they either think you won’t care (which is often true). Or, they are not proud of the answer.”
Wine (in 2 parts) Part 1: What is it?
“It was great, it was delicious, and it was natural, uncontrolled and wild. On the other hand, beer has always been a product of our own work and sweet. A product made by man for man.”